salam semua,
pictures taken on our way to the farm.
small corn farm with little cottage at the back.
Living in four seasons country give special moments to enjoy not just beautiful surrounding but also wonderful seasonal fruit. End of summer is the best time to enjoy fruit picking especially grape. There are so many farms surrounding tokyo that offer space for people who are interested into picking their own fruit. But, please beware that this kind of activity can make a hole in your wallet. You have to first pay for your travel trip. It is usually far from the city centre (obviously!), and you also have to pay for the so call entrance fees. Then only you are allow to walk freely around their farm.
Few weeks ago, i visited a farm close to keio university with my lab-mates. This is our second fruit picking trips together. Last time we had blast moments at stawberry picking farm and this time around we went to grape and pear farm.
a very loyal farmer, 24/7 in the farm.
As i mentioned before, we paid several hundred yen to enter the grape farm. It is, unfortunately, not a farm where you can enter and eat as much as you want, but this is pay to enter, walk freely in the farm, pick your own fruit, hand it over to them to weight, pay and then only the fruits are truly yours. It is a bit pricy but hey, you just got the freshest fruit on your hand.
We went to grape and pear farm. The first grape farm wasn't made me feel surprise at all. It looks just like normal farm. The leaves are no longer in great shape, and the farm itself looks like been neglected for some time. Luckily the grapes are great! The farm offers varieties of grapes; different colours and sizes. In order to protect the grape probably from harsh sunshine and rain, the owner wrapped the grape in a white paper.
I choosed dark red grape, big one for myself. 600 g if i remember it correctly and cost me hrm mmmm sorry can't recalled it, almost 1000yen i guess. But the only thing i know is, it is quite expensive than the one that you usually get from a supermarket.
From the grape farm, we went to the pear farm, located few hundred meters from the first grape farm. The farm was quite small with less than 20 trees, but they seem to nurture and control the trees quite well. They don't let the tree grow normal which mean to get taller and big but, kind of keeping the branches grow horizontally. They set kind of net/roof about two meters tall from the ground and securely tied the branches to the strong net. By tying the tree branches to the net, the tree don't grow taller, and that makes harvesting process easier. The fruits tackling just above head and you can easily view the fruit on almost every angle.
We had a great time eyeing our soon to pick pear, made our wise selection and pluck the fruit. Then we headed to the farmer to weight the fruits and made payment. The farmers also serve fruit samples, and we tested it. Seriously, the fruits were really juicy, crunchy and sweet! It taste better when it is served cool. First thing i did when i arrived home was to keep my fruits in the refrigerator and eat them when they are cold. It was the tastiest freshest grape and pear fruit i ever had in my life!
Ok, back to the farm. On our way back from the pear farm, we came across to this grape farm. This farm really caught my attention. It was designed to support the grape tree at very high level. The grapes are beautifully grown at 4 meters above the ground. They formed very beautiful landscape in a controlled environment. The trees seem to be very old judging from the size of the trunk itself. They planted it far from each other, probably around 2 meter. I will let the pictures tell the rest of it.okay?
tuan kebun siap sediakan tempat BBQ lagi di bawah rimbun2 anggur tu. boleh piknik di bawah pokok anggur :)
set BBQ sedia utk tetamu.
Salam srar,
Saya baru ja abes 1 pengembaraan kat jepun, balik malaysia, & ingin meneruskan lagi 1 pengembaraan kat jepun macam srar.. (tapi x mampu la sampai ke todai).
Saya nak tanya pasal translate transcript kat mahkamah tu, kita just buat translation ikut format kita sendiri (kat MSword) ka, ada reference? Saya nak translate transcript saya dari bhs jepun ke english sebab transcript english MIA entah ke mana :S
saya refer internet je, jumpa blog srar.. so saya harap2 referable lah..
sangat2 berterima kasih kalau srar boleh membantu..
orang penang
salam alif,
tahniah dah selamat grad dr jepun. Dai mana tu agak2?. Alah, post-graduate study ni lain la tak mcm undergraduate degree. Boleh saja nak masuk todai. Yg penting kena cari supervisor yg nak terima kita, IAllah ada rezeki boleh saja dpt. Mau dengan tak mau ja. ☺ majority student melayu yg grad degree dr nihon mesti akan bg respond terkejut bila ckp todai. Tp kitorg postgrad student biasa2 sj reaksinya. Sbb tau procedurnya tak sama mcm first degree.
sy sebenarnya tak tau cara sebenar utk translate transcript ni. Dulu saya main belasah ja buat ikut suka hati. Saya scan certificate, pastu pakai Paint dan edit setiap satu perkataan ke English. Senang sikit dari b.melayu ke English sbb perkataan tak bnyk beza sgt. Dr nihonggo ke English mungkin agak rumit, maklumla tulisannya pendek2. Kanji 2 perkataan ja tp bila tukar ke English dah jadi satu baris kan? Tapi, apapun, cuba dulu ya. Mungkin boleh saja pakai MSWord, yg penting di sini ialah, semua perkataan di alih bahasa. Itu saja.
Hasil edit sy tu, sy print hitam putih dan verified di mahkamah. Saya ingat2 lupa plak mcm mn procedur-nya. Rasanya pergi kaunter bgtau kita nk jumpa mn2 pegawai yg terlibat dgn translation. (kot). Sy p mahkamah tinggi Georgetown ☺
Kalau mahkamah reject, alif boleh try pusat bahasa USM. di sana ada cikgu bahasa jepun yg boleh membantu. Cumanya, diorg ni buat kerja lambat sikit. Mgkn amik masa seminggu. Jadi, jgn buat kerja last minute. (ni betul2 dari pengalaman sendiri!)
Harap dpt membantu.
salam srar..
Alhamdulillah. thanks for the fast respond. doumo arigatou.. duduk kat nihon mmg best.. dulu time kat nihon ingt nak balik malaysia ja, tapi bila dah balik malaysia, meronta2 nak pi nihon balik.. haha..
sy dulu private dai ja kat area kansai.. & ingat lepas ni baru nk postgrad kat national dai plak.. insya Allah. apa2 pun, todai kalau kat nihon memang "wow". so tahniah la (walaupun ya hakikatnya postgrad & undergrad utk todai beza2 :P)
thanks for the help. actually sy boleh ja mintak transcript English dari dai saya dulu.. tapi disebabkan problem Int'l reply coupon tu la sy pilih option lain. option yg ada = pegi jepun ambik transcript, translate sendiri, or kirim kat kwn/junior yg still kat sana. setakat ni sy pilih xnak susah2 kn org lagi (kecuali kalau xdak choice la), n harap2 apa yg sy tanya kat srar ni x membebankan.
last questions:
1) pi mahkamah means office hour?
2) yg dah di-verified tu hanya sebagai copy, or sebagai kita punya officially translated, drpdanya kita bleh buat copy yg lain? (maksudnya mcm dah verify, so lepas2 ni sy just bleh copy ja yg verified tu utk kegunaan2 lain, xyah translate n verify lagi)
My pleasure. Gembira bila tahu ada org org dpt manfaat dr blog. Biar pon sorg sj. hahaaha
Oo dulu kansai ya. Kali ni nk try mana pulak? Try kanto la pulak, baru boleh rasa bnyk2 tempt di nihon ni ☺. Todai ka ☺ tula, perasan jugak di sini bila ckp student todai semua mcm woo waaa. Special privilege gitu. Padahal, hanya diri sendiri yg tau kelayakan, tahap mn kita berada. So, tumpang glamor nama todai pon jadi la.
Berbalik pd translation, 1) office hour- ya, saya p waktu pejabat. Rasanya majority staf di mahkamah tinggi bekerja waktu pejabat.
2) mcm sy skp sebelm ni, sy tak tau kaedah sebenar alih bahasa dokumen ni. Tapi berdasarkan pengalaman, dokumen2 saya semua dalam hitam putih kertas A4. Dah nmpk mcm fotokopi dah. Jadi bila p kat officer tu, dia akan verified document tu dan sign mcm kita besa buat seblm2 ni utk pengesahan sijil. Jadi, secara peribadinya, saya tak rasa translated document kita tu boleh di jadikan master document dan guna utk buat salinan2 lain. Lebih baik print bnyk2 keping dan buat pengesahan terus. Tp bear in mind, sekeping rm10 kot. Tu pun harga dulu, hmpir 3thn lepas. Huhuhuh
oraittt.. sankyu very much!
really appreciate :)
smoga Allah permudah urusan srar
salam,Nak tanya cket. saya nie orang kampung.dok tengok bendang ja.tengok kapal terbang pun takut..tapi teringin nak pi jepun.nk pi jepun camana?boleh naik kapal laut dak?
kira2 tu,dah boleh amik kursus pemandu pelancong la.ada jgak orang orang tanya.hehe
tolong la tukar templete lain.nak tengok pun susah.
salam, gambar pemandangan dlam blog hang nie lawa2 la..aku curi cket ek.
ok.tima kasih
anon1:saya pon org kg jugak dan masih lg org kg. alhmdulillah, Allah bg rezeki lebih utk rasa dok tmpt org :)
bab nak mai jepun ni, yg sy tau cara paling murah dan mudah ialah kapai terbang air asia. kalau kena harinya, mmg murah sgt la tiketnya. tp kalau nak lg murah kena naik kapai laut kayuh sendiri la kot :)
bab tukar template err teruk sgt ka taste sy? hehehe sy sebenarnya suka background hitam dan tulisan putih. dah pernah tukar kaler lain dulu tp yg ni jgk jadik pujaan hati.
anon2: sila2 kan. gmbar sy takdak copyright. sesapa pon boleh copy tp jangan tipu2 mengaku tu hasil kerja sendiri sudah. tak berkat nnati. org tua2 kata bercakap bohong lama2 mencuri :) bahaya tu tau.
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